PowerPoint problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital ageDownload the PowerPoint of problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital age with pptx format and 103 editable slides.File specificationThe number of pages is 103The volume is 7598 KBThe original file format is pptxManagement categoryComplete explanationsPowerPoint problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital ageIn this file, the contents related to problem solving and decision-making in organizations are examined with 103 editable slides, and in 2 examples, a case of the famous brands in the world, which are: A: Ford Motors Company (Model 8 D) and Toyota Motors Company (Model 5)why) the subject has been analyzed in the form of an analysis and it is hoped that it will be used by honorable servers and respected business managers and consultants, respected employees of public and private sectors, respected professors and dear students.GaffariProblem solving and decision making skillsDecision-making is a process that all human beings deal with in some way throughout their lives.Therefore, by learning problem-solving and decision-making skills, we will see how a door will be opened in front of us.But opening this gate requires learning and observing the principles that introduce us to the correct way of making decisions and overcoming problems.explaining the problemFrom the lexical point of view, masala means need, request and demand.This word is just a term and it has its own meaning in the field of management sciences and other sciences, and several definitions have been presented, which will be narrated directly:A problem is a situation in which a person is motivated to achieve a goal by performing an activity.A problem is something that is different from the desired situation and prevents people or organizations from reaching their goals and is the cause of conflict or conflict in decision making.In other words, the problem is the difference between the existing situation and another situation that we want to create.A problem is a situation that reduces the organization's ability to achieve its goals.Influential factors in solving the problemAll broad activities that are carried out in order to find and implement a suitable solution to correct an unfavorable situation are called problem solving;In fact, the perspective of problem solving is to find an answer or answers to a question.Meanwhile, the following factors can be considered effective in solving the problem:Rational factors: measurable factors such as cost, profit, time, forecastsPsychological factors: personality of the decision maker, understanding, abilities, experiencesSocial factors: the consent of those who are affected by the decision, the existence and consent of those who affect the appropriate decisionCultural factors: in the form of beliefs, norms, valuesproblem solvingIn order to solve a problem, it is necessary to first determine what is the cause of the problem.In this way, the problem can be known more precisely and a correct definition can be provided for it, which is an important part of the problem solving process and one of the most important steps in solving the problem.Managers' mistakes in the process of problem solvingManagers may make mistakes in the problem-solving process, which may affect the effectiveness of their activities in order to solve the problem.Some of these mistakes are:Ignoring the problemIn this case, contrary to the visible effects and signs of the problem, the manager denies the existence of that problem for any reason and imagines himself in the best possible situation.Usually, if the manager in the organization thinks that he is capable, he considers the existence of problems as a sign of his weakness and always tries to keep himself in a space where as a capable manager he knows the problems around him well and solves them.And if he is weak in the organization, he thinks that if he admits the existence of a problem, he will be expected to look for practical and effective solutions to solve the problem as a manager, and because he is not interested in doing the activity in any possible way, he will deny and ignore the problem.payMisrepresentation of eventsBecause there are different views and goals and as a result different interpretations of a problem at the same time;This situation causes that sometimes different cases are lost as issues and maybe the main issue is not decided.Postpone the issuePostponing the issue indicates shirking the burden of responsibility or making decisions today and tomorrow.Of course, some managers who make decisions in this way believe that many issues and problems will be solved over time and the need to make decisions will disappear.Problem solving processIDThe manifestations of problems in the organization can be recognized in different ways, such as when there are many complaints about a service, the expected costs are not enough to carry out the program, the number of people accepting the service decreases, the time to reach the goals is longer than reasonable.or even when the satisfaction of a service increases.Problem solving in a formal wayProblem identification is done in two formal and informal ways.The formal problem solving method is divided into two types, direct and indirect methods.Direct methodIn this method, the manager finds out about the problem in the following ways:Deviation from past experiences: when the process of an activity is out of the usual flow.Like the profit from the sale of a product is less than previous years.Deviation from the set plan: when we have not achieved the desired forecast.Like this year's profit is lower than what we predicted.Overtaking competitors: When competitors change their behavior, the manager finds himself in a problem-solving situation due to competing with competitors again.Indirect methodIn this method, the manager finds out about the
problem through the following mediators:Through superiors: any manager