The effect of storytelling on the symptoms of stubborn disobedience in childrenThe effect of storytelling on the symptoms of stubborn-disobedient behavior in childrenDownload the effect of storytelling on the symptoms of stubborn disobedience in childrenSigns of stubborn, disobedient behavior in childrenClassification of psychology and educational sciencesdoc file formatThe file size is 737 KBThe number of file pages is 140Download thesiswith subjectThe effect of storytelling on the symptoms of stubborn-disobedient behavior in childrenWord filenumber of pages:140Below you can see parts of the download file:Table of Contentspage titleChapter 1: General research1-1- Introduction.11-2- statement of the problem.51-3- Research objectives...91-4- Necessity of the research topic... 101-5- Research hypothesis... 131-6- Definition of research variables... 131-6-1- Independent variable: story therapy.. 131-6-2- dependent variable: child's obstinacy-disobedience disorder (ODD) 14The second chapter: review of the background2-1- Introduction.152-2- The first part of the disorder of stubbornness - disobedience... 152-2-1- Obstinacy disorder - childhood disobedience... 152-2-2- Epidemiology.. 212-2-3- Diagnostic considerations and clinical features... 242-2-4- differential diagnosis.. 282-2-5- Features and combined disorders.302-2-6- Pathological and laboratory investigations.. 312-2-7- Seroprognosis.. 312-2-8- Etiology.. 322-2-9- cognitive behavioral mechanisms.. 342-2-10- Treatment.392-3- The second part: The story, its position and clinical applications.422-3-1- The goals of children's literature.422-3-2- The growth trend of children's literature in the world.432-3-3- The story and its importance.442-3-4- The role of the story in the emotional, social and cognitive development of the child... 472-3-5- The criteria of the storyteller's attention for choosing the story.522-3-6- Points of attention of the storyteller while telling stories.. 532-3-7- Characteristics of stories in the process of story therapy.. 542-3-8- Story therapy procedures.. 552-3-9- Storytelling as a therapeutic strategy.. 622-3-10- Stories in family therapy.. 652-3-11- Storytelling in child psychotherapy... 682-3-12- Story therapy in a group way.. 692-3-13- Stories in the theoretical approaches of psychotherapy.. 722-3-14- Psychoanalysis.. 732-3-15- Individual psychology (Adlerian) 752-3-16- cognitive therapy.. 762-3-17- Behavior therapy.. 772-3-18- Research background... 79The third chapter: research methodology3-1- Introduction.882-3- Statistical population.. 893-3- Sample and sampling method.. 893-4- measuring tool.. 905-3- CSI-4 Children's Disease Symptoms Questionnaire.903-6- Implementing and scoring the CSI-4 questionnaire.903-6-1- Scoring based on the screened cutoff score of 913-6-2- Scoring based on severity of disease symptoms.. 913-6-3- How to score the researcher.913-7- Reliability and validity of the questionnaire in 4 CSI-923-8- Necessary tools for story therapy.. 943-9- Treatment plan and brief description of sessions... 9510-3- Data analysis method 105Chapter four: Data analysis4-1- Introduction.1064-2- Assumptions of covariance analysis... 1083-4- Research hypothesis... 113The fifth chapter: discussion and conclusion5-1- Discussion and conclusion.. 1155-2- Limitations of the research... 1165-3- Suggestions 1175-3-1- Research proposals.. 1175-3-2- Practical suggestions.. 118Sources and referencesPersian sources.. 122English sources.. 126AttachmentsAppendices 130List of tablespage titleTable (4-1) the results of the implementation of the CSI-4 questionnaire related to the stubbornness-disobedience variable of the experimental and control groups 107(Table 2-4) Summary of the results of the assumption of equality of the regression slope between the variables of the groups and the pre-test 108Table (4-3) statistical indicators for calculating the Kalmogorov Smirnov test (assumption of normality of data distribution) 110Table (4-4) statistical indicators for calculating Levin's test (assumption of equality of variances) 111Table (4-5) summarizes the results of covariance analysis assumptions... 112Table (4-6) summary of the results of covariance analysis... 114List of chartspage titleGraph (1-4) pre-test and post-test average of stubbornness and disobedience in both groups 108Diagram (4-2) regression slope.109Chart (3-4) the results related to the equality of variance of the stubbornness-disobedience variable in the pre-test and post-test 111Graph (4-4) assumption of linear relationship between pre-test and post-test of covariance analysis.... 112(Chart 5-4) Adjusted average after removing the effect of pre-test on post-test.11Chapter OneGeneral research1-1- IntroductionToday, although we see a lot of interest in the care and treatment of children with behavioral disorders, this is a relatively new phenomenon in the field of mental health, the beginning of paying attention to the mental health of children can clearly be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century.tracedOf course, it took some time that in the manuals for diagnosing mental disorders, a chapter was dedicated to psychological disorders and maladaptive patterns of children's behavior and their semiology.Today, in the shadow of scientific studies, our knowledge about childhood problems is increasing day by day.Scientific study methods have opened a world of findings and of course more questions before us.These findings modify, expand and add new categories to the previous classifications (Morris and
Kratochviil, translated by Nainian 1389).Based on DSM-V, the latest version of the manual