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Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms

Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms Encrypting digital images using multiple wavelet transforms Number of pages 84 With the rapid growth of the Internet and advances in digital communication and compression techniques, digital media content, such as music, video, and images, can be instantly published by end users on the Internet. Download the word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms Computer and IT category doc file format The file size is 1857 KB The number of file pages is 84 Encrypting digital images using multiple wavelet transforms Number of pages: 84 With the rapid growth of the Internet and advances in digital communication and compression techniques, digital media content, such as music, video, and images, can be instantly published by end users on the Internet. Digital data has many advantages over its analog counterpart. One of the possible problems in digital data control is that these data can be changed and reproduced easily without quality loss. Therefore, without the protection and management of digital property rights, the desired content can be reproduced easily and in a large volume. This will cause a great loss to the companies that operate in the field of digital content production. Digital encryption is one of the emerging techniques that embeds copyright information directly in the content of digital media permanently. Embedding information is interpreted as encryption. Ideally, there should be no difference between the encrypted data and the original data, and the encrypted data should be easily extractable and robust against common signal processing operations. Considering the importance of encryption, this thesis seeks to design an algorithm for encryption of digital images using multiple wavelet transformation, due to the special features of this transformation that can be useful in image processing applications. For this purpose, we introduce the concepts of encryption, especially encryption of digital images, wavelet transform and multiple wavelet transform. Then, in the continuation of the research, an algorithm for hiding digital images using multiple wavelet transforms is presented, and at the end, we evaluate the proposed algorithm using common evaluation criteria. Chapter One 1-1 Introduction 2-1 problem design 3-1 The necessity of research 4-1 Research questions 5-1 scope of research 6-1 thesis structure second chapter 1-2 Introduction 2.2 Digital encryption 2-2-1 Introduction 2-2-2 The concept of digital encryption 3-2-2 General structure of digital cryptography 4-2-2 cryptography in mathematical language 5-2-2 Types of digital encryption systems 3-2 Analysis in the frequency domain 1-3-2 Introduction 2-3-2 Fourier transform 3-3-2 Short-time instant conversion 4-3-2 Multi-resolution analysis 5-3-2 Getting to know the wavelet 6-3-2 Continuous wavelet transform 7-3-2 Scale 8-3-2 Transfer 9-3-2 Five steps to achieve continuous wavelet transform 10-3-2 Resolution on the time-frequency plane 2-4 Mathematical relations of wavelet transform 5-2 image of continuous wavelet transform 6-2 Discretization of continuous wavelet transform 2-7 Discrete wavelet transform 8-2 Image of discrete wavelet transform 2-9 two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform 10-2 Multiple wavelets 1-10-2 Introduction 2-10-2 Introduction to multiple wavelet 3-10-2 motivation to use multiple wavelet transform 4-10-2 Multiple wavelet transform 5-10-2 Multiple wavelet filter bank 6-2-10 balanced versus unbalanced multiple wavelets 7-2-10 versions of multiple wavelet implementation in computer 11-2 Hiding digital images using multiple wavelets Chapter III 1-3 Introduction 2-3 Digital image encoding with multiple wavelets 3-3 Multiple wavelet transform of the image 4-3 Choosing the right place to insert the cipher 3-5 Algorithm of embedding of the cache 6-3 Algorithm for revealing the hidden image 7-3 Results Fourth Season 1-4 Introduction 2-4 The quality of the hidden image 3-4 strength of the cipher 4-4 Check image strength against common attacks 4-5 Comparison of the proposed encryption system with previous methods 6-4 Conclusion The fifth chapter 1-5 research summary 2-5 Suggestions for future research Sources and references Download Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet

 Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms
