Note: Part of the blog is in English
Note: Part of the blog is in English
High Group job satisfaction questionnaire with interpretation
Hi group satisfaction measurement questionnaire
Download Hay Group's Job Satisfaction Questionnaire with commentary
Hay Group Job Satisfaction Questionnaire measuring employee satisfaction, attachment and commitment
Management category
doc file format
The file size is 51 KB
Number of file pages 5
hey group
Satisfaction measurement
Dear Colleague
Hello, the questionnaire you are looking at------------------------------------------- Provide the opportunity to better understand the company's atmosphere so that the human resources unit can take effective measures to improve working conditions and strengthen the spirit of empathy and cooperation.
Thank you in advance for your constructive cooperation.
Please answer all questions.
There is no right or wrong answer. For each question, choose the answer that best matches your opinion.
The questionnaire information is completely confidential and anonymous.
It takes about 20 minutes to complete the survey.
Your accuracy and openness in answering the questions increase the credibility of this survey.
1-Please specify your level of education?
1) Undergraduate □ 2) Diploma □ 3) Master's □ 4) Bachelor's □ 5) Master's □ 5) Doctorate □
Download Hay Group's Job Satisfaction Questionnaire with commentary
شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 12:04