Note: Part of the blog is in English
Note: Part of the blog is in English
Download the Word file of the research of AVR microcontrollers and the design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels
The title of the project is AVR microcontrollers and the design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels. The main file format is doc editable with Word. The number of pages is 86. Brief description of the project. The purpose of this project is the design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels using the AT M32 microcontroller.
Download Word file of research on AVR microcontrollers and design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels
Word file of AVR microcontrollers and design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels. Download Word file of research of AVR microcontrollers and design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels.
Electrical category
doc file format
The size of the file is 3600 KB
The number of file pages is 86
Project title: AVR microcontrollers and design and manufacture of digital temperature control of electrical panels
Main file format: doc editable with Word
Number of pages: 86
Brief description of the project: The purpose of this project is to design and build digital temperature control of electrical panels using AT M32 microcontroller. In addition to the automatic part, the designed and built device has a part where the temperature, fan and heater can be changed manually. The realization of this project is a great help to control the temperature with high precision in workplaces, factories and especially hatcheries.
Microcontroller is a type of microprocessor that has random access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM), timer, input and output ports (I/O) and serial port (Serial Port) inside the chip itself and can Solitude exerts control over other tools. In other words, a microcontroller is a small integrated circuit that consists of a small CPU and other components such as crystal oscillator, timer, analog and digital input and output ports, and memory.
One of the latest powerful microcontrollers offered to the electronics market is ATMEL company called AVR microcontrollers. This eight-bit microcontroller was very well received due to the existence of strong compilers in high-level language. Learning and using this microcontroller is very easy. and its scope of use is very wide. This project is about temperature control of electrical panels, which can be used for incubators, workplaces, electrical panels, etc. In this project, in the first chapter, a brief explanation is given about AVR microcontrollers. In the second chapter, you will read an explanation about the bascom program, in the third chapter, you will read about the types of temperature sensors. In the fourth chapter, the design and construction of digital temperature control panels The circuit diagram and the program written in the micro are given. In the fifth chapter, conclusions are drawn from the stated content.
A point that seems to be very important in the industry is the measurement of parameters such as temperature, pressure, and the amount of movement of objects, etc., which are done by different sensors, but the number of sensors is increasing day by day, and the sensors are better. It is offered to the market with more capabilities, and also the devices that are made by microcontrollers are of different types and perform different tasks. Electronic boards are also made.
In the following, you can see the list of contents of the project of AVR microcontrollers and the design and construction of digital temperature control of electrical panels:
Chapter 1- Introduction to AVR
1-1- TINY AVR microcontrollers
1-2- AT90S microcontrollers
1-3- MEGAAVR microcontrollers
1-4- Internal characteristics of MEGA
1-4-1- System clock
Chapter 2- BASCOM program
2-1- Program environment
2-2- Programming environment
Chapter 3- Temperature sensors
3-1- Glass thermometers (liquid)
3-2- Non-metal thermometers
3-3- Pressure thermometers
4-3- Thermocouple
5-3- Temperature measurement by changing the ohmic resistance
3-6- LM35 sensor
Chapter 4- Designing and making a digital temperature controller for electrical panels
4-1- Explanation of the written program
2-4- Circular shape and explanations about it
Chapter 5 - Conclusion
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شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 13:08
Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms
Encrypting digital images using multiple wavelet transforms Number of pages 84 With the rapid growth of the Internet and advances in digital communication and compression techniques, digital media content, such as music, video, and images, can be instantly published by end users on the Internet.
Download the word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms
Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet transforms
Computer and IT category
doc file format
The file size is 1857 KB
The number of file pages is 84
Encrypting digital images using multiple wavelet transforms
Number of pages: 84
With the rapid growth of the Internet and advances in digital communication and compression techniques, digital media content, such as music, video, and images, can be instantly published by end users on the Internet. Digital data has many advantages over its analog counterpart. One of the possible problems in digital data control is that these data can be changed and reproduced easily without quality loss. Therefore, without the protection and management of digital property rights, the desired content can be reproduced easily and in a large volume. This will cause a great loss to the companies that operate in the field of digital content production.
Digital encryption is one of the emerging techniques that embeds copyright information directly in the content of digital media permanently. Embedding information is interpreted as encryption. Ideally, there should be no difference between the encrypted data and the original data, and the encrypted data should be easily extractable and robust against common signal processing operations.
Considering the importance of encryption, this thesis seeks to design an algorithm for encryption of digital images using multiple wavelet transformation, due to the special features of this transformation that can be useful in image processing applications. For this purpose, we introduce the concepts of encryption, especially encryption of digital images, wavelet transform and multiple wavelet transform. Then, in the continuation of the research, an algorithm for hiding digital images using multiple wavelet transforms is presented, and at the end, we evaluate the proposed algorithm using common evaluation criteria.
Chapter One
1-1 Introduction
2-1 problem design
3-1 The necessity of research
4-1 Research questions
5-1 scope of research
6-1 thesis structure
second chapter
1-2 Introduction
2.2 Digital encryption
2-2-1 Introduction
2-2-2 The concept of digital encryption
3-2-2 General structure of digital cryptography
4-2-2 cryptography in mathematical language
5-2-2 Types of digital encryption systems
3-2 Analysis in the frequency domain
1-3-2 Introduction
2-3-2 Fourier transform
3-3-2 Short-time instant conversion
4-3-2 Multi-resolution analysis
5-3-2 Getting to know the wavelet
6-3-2 Continuous wavelet transform
7-3-2 Scale
8-3-2 Transfer
9-3-2 Five steps to achieve continuous wavelet transform
10-3-2 Resolution on the time-frequency plane
2-4 Mathematical relations of wavelet transform
5-2 image of continuous wavelet transform
6-2 Discretization of continuous wavelet transform
2-7 Discrete wavelet transform
8-2 Image of discrete wavelet transform
2-9 two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform
10-2 Multiple wavelets
1-10-2 Introduction
2-10-2 Introduction to multiple wavelet
3-10-2 motivation to use multiple wavelet transform
4-10-2 Multiple wavelet transform
5-10-2 Multiple wavelet filter bank
6-2-10 balanced versus unbalanced multiple wavelets
7-2-10 versions of multiple wavelet implementation in computer
11-2 Hiding digital images using multiple wavelets
Chapter III
1-3 Introduction
2-3 Digital image encoding with multiple wavelets
3-3 Multiple wavelet transform of the image
4-3 Choosing the right place to insert the cipher
3-5 Algorithm of embedding of the cache
6-3 Algorithm for revealing the hidden image
7-3 Results
Fourth Season
1-4 Introduction
2-4 The quality of the hidden image
3-4 strength of the cipher
4-4 Check image strength against common attacks
4-5 Comparison of the proposed encryption system with previous methods
6-4 Conclusion
The fifth chapter
1-5 research summary
2-5 Suggestions for future research
Sources and references
Download Download the Word file of digital image encryption using multiple wavelet
شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 13:05
PowerPoint problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital age
Download the PowerPoint of problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital age with pptx format and 103 editable slides.
File specification
The number of pages is 103
The volume is 7598 KB
The original file format is pptx
Management category
Complete explanations
PowerPoint problem solving in organizations with the approach of continuous improvement and sustainability in the digital age
In this file, the contents related to problem solving and decision-making in organizations are examined with 103 editable slides, and in 2 examples, a case of the famous brands in the world, which are: A: Ford Motors Company (Model 8 D) and Toyota Motors Company (Model 5) why) the subject has been analyzed in the form of an analysis and it is hoped that it will be used by honorable servers and respected business managers and consultants, respected employees of public and private sectors, respected professors and dear students.
Problem solving and decision making skills
Decision-making is a process that all human beings deal with in some way throughout their lives. Therefore, by learning problem-solving and decision-making skills, we will see how a door will be opened in front of us. But opening this gate requires learning and observing the principles that introduce us to the correct way of making decisions and overcoming problems.
explaining the problem
From the lexical point of view, masala means need, request and demand. This word is just a term and it has its own meaning in the field of management sciences and other sciences, and several definitions have been presented, which will be narrated directly:
A problem is a situation in which a person is motivated to achieve a goal by performing an activity.
A problem is something that is different from the desired situation and prevents people or organizations from reaching their goals and is the cause of conflict or conflict in decision making. In other words, the problem is the difference between the existing situation and another situation that we want to create.
A problem is a situation that reduces the organization's ability to achieve its goals.
Influential factors in solving the problem
All broad activities that are carried out in order to find and implement a suitable solution to correct an unfavorable situation are called problem solving; In fact, the perspective of problem solving is to find an answer or answers to a question. Meanwhile, the following factors can be considered effective in solving the problem:
Rational factors: measurable factors such as cost, profit, time, forecasts
Psychological factors: personality of the decision maker, understanding, abilities, experiences
Social factors: the consent of those who are affected by the decision, the existence and consent of those who affect the appropriate decision
Cultural factors: in the form of beliefs, norms, values
problem solving
In order to solve a problem, it is necessary to first determine what is the cause of the problem. In this way, the problem can be known more precisely and a correct definition can be provided for it, which is an important part of the problem solving process and one of the most important steps in solving the problem.
Managers' mistakes in the process of problem solving
Managers may make mistakes in the problem-solving process, which may affect the effectiveness of their activities in order to solve the problem. Some of these mistakes are:
Ignoring the problem
In this case, contrary to the visible effects and signs of the problem, the manager denies the existence of that problem for any reason and imagines himself in the best possible situation. Usually, if the manager in the organization thinks that he is capable, he considers the existence of problems as a sign of his weakness and always tries to keep himself in a space where as a capable manager he knows the problems around him well and solves them. And if he is weak in the organization, he thinks that if he admits the existence of a problem, he will be expected to look for practical and effective solutions to solve the problem as a manager, and because he is not interested in doing the activity in any possible way, he will deny and ignore the problem. pay
Misrepresentation of events
Because there are different views and goals and as a result different interpretations of a problem at the same time; This situation causes that sometimes different cases are lost as issues and maybe the main issue is not decided.
Postpone the issue
Postponing the issue indicates shirking the burden of responsibility or making decisions today and tomorrow. Of course, some managers who make decisions in this way believe that many issues and problems will be solved over time and the need to make decisions will disappear.
Problem solving process
The manifestations of problems in the organization can be recognized in different ways, such as when there are many complaints about a service, the expected costs are not enough to carry out the program, the number of people accepting the service decreases, the time to reach the goals is longer than reasonable. or even when the satisfaction of a service increases.
Problem solving in a formal way
Problem identification is done in two formal and informal ways. The formal problem solving method is divided into two types, direct and indirect methods.
Direct method
In this method, the manager finds out about the problem in the following ways:
Deviation from past experiences: when the process of an activity is out of the usual flow. Like the profit from the sale of a product is less than previous years.
Deviation from the set plan: when we have not achieved the desired forecast. Like this year's profit is lower than what we predicted.
Overtaking competitors: When competitors change their behavior, the manager finds himself in a problem-solving situation due to competing with competitors again.
Indirect method
In this method, the manager finds out about the 
problem through the following mediators:
Through superiors: any manager
شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 12:55
Gus Seidel's bar play
Gauss-Sidel method load distribution in this program, bus data and line data are given to the program and finally the voltage and angle of the buses are calculated.
Download Gus Sidel's music
Gaus sidel project review review 1 review 2 line data Bus data Gaus sidel Bus data Line data
MATLAB category
zip file format
File size 0 KB
Number of file pages 5
Goose Seidel's method of load spreading
In this program, bus data and line data are given to the program and finally the voltage and angle of the buses are calculated.
Download Gus Sidel's music
شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 12:49
Learning how to make money by staking digital currencies in your wallet, in both Farsi and English languages
Learning how to make money by staking digital currencies in your wallet, in both Farsi and English languages
Download the tutorial on making money from staking digital currencies in the wallet, in both Farsi and English languages
Learning how to earn money stick digital currency wallet Farsi English
Marketing and finance categories
pdf file format
The size of the file is 473 KB
The number of file pages is 16
Learning how to make money by staking digital currencies in your wallet, in both Farsi and English languages
Compiler and editor: Amir Hossein Alborz
Number of pages: 16
Format: PDF
Used by those interested in digital currencies and students of internet business management and English language translation
Download the tutorial on making money from staking digital currencies in the wallet, in both Farsi and English languages
شنبه 16 دی 1402 ساعت 12:43